Who are we ?

DYMENSION is a company specialising in the computer-based development of interactive interfaces. With a solid experience of the web behind us, we decided to concentrate on the new user possibilities offered by touch interfaces and even more innovative interfaces in the future.

We are interested in all technologies that go beyond the traditional ways of using the web. This includes applications for tablets but also more prestigious devices such as interactive tables, « giant tablets » which can be used by several people at the same time (unlike the simple « touch screen » which came out several years ago.)

Another of our interests is transforming any kind of surface into a touch surface, using, for example, projectors or stereo camera detectors of the Kinect type, or other technologies. Creating interactive interfaces without physical contact, such as augmented reality glasses, is also part of our activities.

Our company is always looking out for new technologies that will enable us to offer our clients solutions which are not only innovative and engaging but also intuitive and user-friendly.

We supply software as well as hardware on request, thanks to our extensive network of varied and competent suppliers. We can supply different models of interactive tables and can also produce made to measure models. We offer a wide range of tablets at reasonable prices to enable our clients to equip all their collaborators.

How do we work ?

All our applications are developed in-house thanks to our teams who are specialised in the design of multi-user interfaces. These require a greater degree of specialisation than the design of interfaces destined for use by a single user.

At the start of each development project we are careful to look at the tools already being used by our clients so that the interface we propose is a continuation of their existing work practices. This makes it easier for collaborators to adopt the new application without encountering any habit-related issues.

When the new application has been installed we film and analyse the way it is being used as well as the reactions of the end-users to make sure that the application is used as planned and also to anticipate modifications that could be made to future versions.

For the hardware components we work directly with partners in France, Europe and Asia to buy equipment which matches our clients’ needs, at the best price.

Our teams always put all their ideas and capabilities at the service of our clients to ensure they have the best possible experience.


Xavier de Brabois Director

After studying at a major business school Xavier went on to specialise in selling web solutions. In 2011 he joined the world of entrepreneurship with the creation of DYMENSION. Like Xavier, the collaborators he chose to assist him in this new venture are competent and enthusiastic about the new technologies he wants to offer the professional world.

Xavier is keen on martial arts, sailing and light aircraft. For many years he has been actively involved in volunteer work in local associations.


Cédric Responsable commercial

Diplômé d’un Master de Commerce International qu’il a réalisé en alternance, Cédric a souhaité parfaire son expérience à l’étranger. Il a donc quitté la France pour la Chine où il a travaillé durant plus de 2 ans.
De retour en France, il intègre l’équipe de Dymension où il met son expérience au service des nouvelles technologies.

Cédric est passionné de Rugby qu’il pratique en club et s’adonne à sa passion pour la photographie en temps libre.

Emeric Developer

With a professional degree in IT specialising in mobile technology, Emeric’s first professional experience was in the development of Android applications.

Emeric is keen on cooking and football, as well as being a frequent badminton player.


Kévin Ingénieur développeur

Curieux et adepte des nouvelles technologies, Kévin a suivi une formation d’ingénieur à l’Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), il est spécialisé en imagerie, interactivité et réalité virtuelle. Après un passage dans le monde de l’art numérique, pour lequel il a réalisé des œuvres pendant 6 mois, il s’est tourné vers les interfaces tactiles en intégrant l’équipe de Dymension.

Kévin aime le cinéma et l’art en général. Passionné par la communication et les interactions, il s’est aussi formé en autodidacte sur la sociologie contemporaine.


David Designer

David studied visual communication at the Paris school l’Ecole des Gobelins, specialising in design and ergonomics. His first professional experience was in website creation before going on to the design of interactive applications.

A fan of modern art, David is also interested in musical creation.


Nicolas Développeur

Diplomé d’un bac + 5 en informatique, et spécialisé dans le développement web, il rejoint l’équipe de DYMENSION après 7 ans d’expérience professionnelle en agence web. Passionné par les technologies de l’information et les échanges de données sur Internet, il prend en charge le développement des administrations web et des applications Android.

Nicolas aime la musique, le cinéma et les excursions dans les collines drômoises.


Corinne Assistante de direction

Riche d’un parcours pluridisciplinaire en informatique puis en assistanat de gestion, Corinne a évolué au sein d’un grand groupe industriel durant plus de 15 ans, puis elle a enrichi ses expériences en apportant son savoir-faire à différentes PME avant de rejoindre DYMENSION.

Passionnée d’équitation, elle possède ses chevaux et partage cette passion avec ses filles notamment au travers de compétitions de horse-ball, discipline passionnante et spectaculaire.