EXPRESSYON : touch smiley customer feedback

With EXPRESSYON, create your smiley face feedback surveys tailored for tablets, feedback kiosks or any other device. In a few touch, your visitors can reply to many questions, and you get the result in real time


EXPRESSYON is a feedback solution for web or tablets dedicated to professionals. It lets you create complete surveys where answers are given by simple touch on smiley faces, on customized icons, on Multiple Choice Quizz, identity profiles, or free text input.

Surveys are created online through a kidish web interface and are instantly sent to your tablets, or may be sent by calendar planning on selected days. On the tablets, you are able to store multiple surveys that you can activate whenever is necessary. The calendar planning allows you to automate te whole process : the tablet will automatically use the desired survey according to the planned days.

Surveys can also be broadcasted as a webpage, what allows you to give a link from your website or to send the survey by email.

Expressyon is the top solution to measure client satisfaction, get feedback, launch field surveys or for an event. It allows you to organize complete surveys and polls for any need, and your vsitors just answer in a fun, playful and interactive way, in a couple of seconds.
The strength of EXPRESSYON lies in its graphical interface and its fastness to gather all data (in a few touch, your visitors have answered to a chain of questions). Above all, EXPRESSYON allows you to profile survey participants.

Last but not least, the gathering of data may be done without any internet connection. The data will be sent to the server at any time thereafter, as soon as a connection becomes available.

enquete satisfaction smiley tablette






Expressyon enquete satisfaction QCM

Expressyon enquete satisfaction texte libre

Expressyon enquete satisfaction chiffres

Bornes satisfaction client


  • Elegance: The survey is fully graphical and stylized for your visitors’ pleasure. The interface is soft and enjoyable, and you can customized the logo. We can moreover customize the full graphic chart for more demanding clients.
  • Simplicity: Creation of surveys and questions is extremely simple, under many types as smiley faces, Multiple choice Quizz, in text or with graphics, text or numbers input. The solution manage multilingual and allows to launch your surveys in two languages and to change translation on the go. Last, the managing of multiples surveys may be done in a manual or automatized way.
  • Fastness : Your visitors only spend a few seconds to answer to many questions. They thus can express themselves in a fun and up-to-date way, far from old fashioned paper and pen polls. Moreover, if the tablet is online, or the Survey in web mode, you will get instant real time results.
  • Toughness : The best of all : the solution works offline. New surveys are downloaded while you have internet connection, then data are saved in the tablet until it can come online back (3G or Wifi). Data synchronization becomes automatic as soon as internet connection is detected. Also, when viewing the results, you can filter them by profile, which means filtering all answers according to others answers (only men’s answers, women’s, youths, regula client, etc.)



The administration console is a website that allows you to

  • Create surveys and questions
  • Plan surveys diffusion
  • Generate web link to broadcast the Survey in web page
  • Ass customized icons for your questions
  • Consult online results (in real time if tablets are online)
  • Filter results, cross datas
  • Publish and export data in PDF or XLS format, receive thel by email
  • etc.

enquete de satisfaction résultats graphiques

enquete de satisfaction par profil

enquete de satisfaction création des questionnaires


here are exemple of how the EXPRESSYON solution can be used :

  • Stores : near the exit, ask your client about their experience in the store
  • Food service : catering or luxury restaurant, ask your client to leave their feeling, their remarks
  • Event : on your event place, don’t let your visitor go without leaving their feelings and some information about themselves, whether on kiosks tablets or on hand tablets with hostesses.
  • Hotel and hospitality: ask your client about their experience on site

And above all, use the results to communicate internally or externally, improve the client experience by taking account of their remarks, detect rejected profiles.

DYMENSION can help you to manage this surveys by providind the appropriate support : 10″ or 15″ touch kiosk with professional quality, 24/7, steel case on stand VESA 100.
Please contact us to know our prices, et different hardware we propose

Are you looking for a simpler solution : OPINYON smiley kiosk

enquĂŞte satisfaction client par borne smiley

Dymension offers also a simplier solution for your feedback surveys : OPINYON smiley kiosk

The OPINYON Smiley kiosk requires no power supply and send collected information with no required internet connexion. The users can choos between 3 buttons and just answer the question inserted into the shlef.

Feedback survey smiley kiosk with buttons

Mentions LĂ©gales


Présentation du site

En vertu de l’article 6 de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’Ă©conomie numĂ©rique, il est prĂ©cisĂ© aux utilisateurs du site l’identitĂ© des diffĂ©rents intervenants dans le cadre de sa rĂ©alisation et de son suivi :

Ce site est édité par :

213 rue de Gerland
Bât F1
69007 Lyon
Téléphone : +33 (0)4 82 53 78 89

RCS : Lyon 538 192 469 – SIREN : 538 192 469 00046
TVA Intracommunautaire : FR03 538192469

Directeur de la publication et responsable du site : Xavier de Brabois, dirigeant.
Contact :

Ce site est hébergé par :

Infomaniak Network SA
26, Avenue de la Praille
1227 Carouge / Genève
contact :

Conditions gĂ©nĂ©rales d’utilisation du site et des services proposĂ©s.

L’utilisation du site (ci-après dĂ©signĂ© « le site ») implique l’acceptation pleine et entière des conditions gĂ©nĂ©rales d’utilisation ci-après dĂ©crites. Ces conditions d’utilisation sont susceptibles d’ĂŞtre modifiĂ©es ou complĂ©tĂ©es Ă  tout moment, les utilisateurs du site

Description des services fournis.

Le site a pour objet de fournir une information concernant l’ensemble des activitĂ©s de la sociĂ©tĂ©.

Les responsables s’efforcent de fournir sur le site es informations aussi prĂ©cises que possible. Toutefois, il ne pourra ĂŞtre tenue responsable des omissions, des inexactitudes et des carences dans la mise Ă  jour, qu’elles soient de son fait ou du fait des tiers partenaires qui lui fournissent ces informations.

Tous les informations indiquĂ©es sur le site sont donnĂ©es Ă  titre indicatif, et sont susceptibles d’Ă©voluer. Par ailleurs, les renseignements figurant sur le sitene sont pas exhaustifs. Ils sont donnĂ©s sous rĂ©serve de modifications ayant Ă©tĂ© apportĂ©es depuis leur mise en ligne.

Propriété intellectuelle et contrefaçons.

DYMENSION est propriĂ©taire des droits de propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle ou dĂ©tient les droits d’usage sur tous les Ă©lĂ©ments accessibles sur le site, notamment les textes, images, graphismes, logo, icĂ´nes, sons, logiciels.

Toute reproduction, représentation, modification, publication, adaptation de tout ou partie des éléments du site, quel que soit le moyen ou le procédé utilisé, est interdite, sauf autorisation écrite préalable du responsable de la publication.

Toute exploitation non autorisĂ©e du site ou de l’un quelconque des Ă©lĂ©ments qu’il contient sera considĂ©rĂ©e comme constitutive d’une contrefaçon et poursuivie conformĂ©ment aux dispositions des articles L.335-2 et suivants du Code de PropriĂ©tĂ© Intellectuelle.

DYMENSION est une marque protégée.

Gestion des données personnelles.

En France, les donnĂ©es personnelles sont notamment protĂ©gĂ©es par la loi n° 78-87 du 6 janvier 1978, la loi n° 2004-801 du 6 aoĂ»t 2004, l’article L. 226-13 du Code pĂ©nal et la Directive EuropĂ©enne du 24 octobre 1995.

A l’occasion de l’utilisation du site peuvent ĂŞtres recueillies : l’URL des liens par l’intermĂ©diaire desquels l’utilisateur a accĂ©dĂ© au site, le fournisseur d’accès de l’utilisateur, l’adresse de protocole Internet (IP) de l’utilisateur.

En tout Ă©tat de cause Xavier de Brabois ne collecte des informations personnelles relatives Ă  l’utilisateur que pour le besoin de certains services proposĂ©s par le site. L’utilisateur fournit ces informations en toute connaissance de cause, notamment lorsqu’il procède par lui-mĂŞme Ă  leur saisie. Il est alors prĂ©cisĂ© Ă  l’utilisateur du site l’obligation ou non de fournir ces informations.

ConformĂ©ment aux dispositions des articles 38 et suivants de la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative Ă  l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertĂ©s, tout utilisateur dispose d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et d’opposition aux donnĂ©es personnelles le concernant, en effectuant sa demande Ă©crite et signĂ©e, accompagnĂ©e d’une copie du titre d’identitĂ© avec signature du titulaire de la pièce, en prĂ©cisant l’adresse Ă  laquelle la rĂ©ponse doit ĂŞtre envoyĂ©e.

Aucune information personnelle de l’utilisateur du site n’est publiĂ©e Ă  l’insu de l’utilisateur, Ă©changĂ©e, transfĂ©rĂ©e, cĂ©dĂ©e ou vendue sur un support quelconque Ă  des tiers.

Droit applicable et attribution de juridiction.

Tout litige en relation avec l’utilisation du site est soumis au droit français.

Conditions générales des ventes.

Consulter nos CGV[:en]

Présentation du site

En vertu de l’article 6 de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’Ă©conomie numĂ©rique, il est prĂ©cisĂ© aux utilisateurs du site l’identitĂ© des diffĂ©rents intervenants dans le cadre de sa rĂ©alisation et de son suivi :

Ce site est édité par :

213 rue de Gerland
Bât F1
69007 Lyon
Téléphone : +33 (0)4 82 53 78 89

RCS : Lyon 538 192 469 – SIREN : 538 192 469 00046
TVA Intracommunautaire : FR03 538192469

Directeur de la publication et responsable du site : Xavier de Brabois, dirigeant.
Contact :

Ce site est hébergé par :

Infomaniak Network SA
26, Avenue de la Praille
1227 Carouge / Genève
contact :

Conditions gĂ©nĂ©rales d’utilisation du site et des services proposĂ©s.

L’utilisation du site (ci-après dĂ©signĂ© « le site ») implique l’acceptation pleine et entière des conditions gĂ©nĂ©rales d’utilisation ci-après dĂ©crites. Ces conditions d’utilisation sont susceptibles d’ĂŞtre modifiĂ©es ou complĂ©tĂ©es Ă  tout moment, les utilisateurs du site

Description des services fournis.

Le site a pour objet de fournir une information concernant l’ensemble des activitĂ©s de la sociĂ©tĂ©.

Les responsables s’efforcent de fournir sur le site es informations aussi prĂ©cises que possible. Toutefois, il ne pourra ĂŞtre tenue responsable des omissions, des inexactitudes et des carences dans la mise Ă  jour, qu’elles soient de son fait ou du fait des tiers partenaires qui lui fournissent ces informations.

Tous les informations indiquĂ©es sur le site sont donnĂ©es Ă  titre indicatif, et sont susceptibles d’Ă©voluer. Par ailleurs, les renseignements figurant sur le sitene sont pas exhaustifs. Ils sont donnĂ©s sous rĂ©serve de modifications ayant Ă©tĂ© apportĂ©es depuis leur mise en ligne.

Propriété intellectuelle et contrefaçons.

DYMENSION est propriĂ©taire des droits de propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle ou dĂ©tient les droits d’usage sur tous les Ă©lĂ©ments accessibles sur le site, notamment les textes, images, graphismes, logo, icĂ´nes, sons, logiciels.

Toute reproduction, représentation, modification, publication, adaptation de tout ou partie des éléments du site, quel que soit le moyen ou le procédé utilisé, est interdite, sauf autorisation écrite préalable du responsable de la publication.

Toute exploitation non autorisĂ©e du site ou de l’un quelconque des Ă©lĂ©ments qu’il contient sera considĂ©rĂ©e comme constitutive d’une contrefaçon et poursuivie conformĂ©ment aux dispositions des articles L.335-2 et suivants du Code de PropriĂ©tĂ© Intellectuelle.

DYMENSION est une marque protégée.

Gestion des données personnelles.

En France, les donnĂ©es personnelles sont notamment protĂ©gĂ©es par la loi n° 78-87 du 6 janvier 1978, la loi n° 2004-801 du 6 aoĂ»t 2004, l’article L. 226-13 du Code pĂ©nal et la Directive EuropĂ©enne du 24 octobre 1995.

A l’occasion de l’utilisation du site peuvent ĂŞtres recueillies : l’URL des liens par l’intermĂ©diaire desquels l’utilisateur a accĂ©dĂ© au site, le fournisseur d’accès de l’utilisateur, l’adresse de protocole Internet (IP) de l’utilisateur.

En tout Ă©tat de cause Xavier de Brabois ne collecte des informations personnelles relatives Ă  l’utilisateur que pour le besoin de certains services proposĂ©s par le site. L’utilisateur fournit ces informations en toute connaissance de cause, notamment lorsqu’il procède par lui-mĂŞme Ă  leur saisie. Il est alors prĂ©cisĂ© Ă  l’utilisateur du site l’obligation ou non de fournir ces informations.

ConformĂ©ment aux dispositions des articles 38 et suivants de la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative Ă  l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertĂ©s, tout utilisateur dispose d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et d’opposition aux donnĂ©es personnelles le concernant, en effectuant sa demande Ă©crite et signĂ©e, accompagnĂ©e d’une copie du titre d’identitĂ© avec signature du titulaire de la pièce, en prĂ©cisant l’adresse Ă  laquelle la rĂ©ponse doit ĂŞtre envoyĂ©e.

Aucune information personnelle de l’utilisateur du site n’est publiĂ©e Ă  l’insu de l’utilisateur, Ă©changĂ©e, transfĂ©rĂ©e, cĂ©dĂ©e ou vendue sur un support quelconque Ă  des tiers.

Droit applicable et attribution de juridiction.

Tout litige en relation avec l’utilisation du site est soumis au droit français.

Conditions générales des ventes.

Consulter nos CGV[:]

Flyp-Reader : browse your PDF flyer at a finger tip

DYMWSER is a secure web browser which allows several users to browse simultaneously on your website entirely by touch.

The screen can be split into different zones to allow several people to surf at the same time and fill-in forms simultaneously.


Thanks to DYMENSION know-how, you can transform your website into a touch interface using the Dymwser solution. Maximise the use of your touch table, console or touch screen by allowing several users to browse the web at the same time! Customers and visitors will no longer have to wait for the touch equipment to be free before using it.

The URL bar is deactivated so you know your users will have to stay on your website.

The keyboard can be moved about freely and several function keyboards are available when the screen is being shared.

touch Web browser


dymwser barre bas

Command bar at the bottom

navigateur web tactile

Retractable command bar for full screen effect

dymwser barre haut

Command bar at the top

Dymwser multi user

Screen divided for simultaneous use by multiple users


  • Closed navigation: configure the home page Internet address so that users cannot leave your website or open external links. If an external link is opened Dymwser takes them back to the home page.
  • Multi-use: the website can be viewed by several people at once and the screen can be divided into 2 (or even 4) so each user can browse at their own pace and fill-in separate forms.
  • Touch keyboard: a keyboard appears as soon as a user focuses on a text field. The keyboard can be moved anywhere on the screen with ease and closed when necessary. If the screen is being shared, each area has its own individual keyboard.
  • Zoom-in/zoom-out: with a simple pinch, zoom-in or zoom-out of a page for more reading comfort, or view the image of your choice.


  • Save time and money : Dymwser turns your website into a touch application so you don’t have to develop a separate application or create a PowerPoint presentation. Your website already exists!
  • Save time for users: users can read your information without having to wait for the screen to be free. Several people can use the browser at once.
  • Information at a lower cost: offer your customers and users a simple and free service. With the web browser they can find your information easily.


Here are some examples of Dymwser applications :

Trade show

Visitors learn about your company through your website content while you don’t have to bear the cost of developing an application.

Shopping mall, railway station, airport

Visitors can use it as an information kiosk to find: taxis, train timetables, maps of the local area, telephone numbers.


In stores, visitors can use your website as an extra catalogue for finding product collections, products not in the showroom, services, user reviews, and more.

Try Flyp-Reader

Dymwser : Multi-user touch WebBrowser


DYMWSER is a secure web browser which allows several users to browse simultaneously on your website entirely by touch.

The screen can be split into different zones to allow several people to surf at the same time and fill-in forms simultaneously.


Thanks to DYMENSION know-how, you can transform your website into a touch interface using the Dymwser solution. Maximise the use of your touch table, console or touch screen by allowing several users to browse the web at the same time! Customers and visitors will no longer have to wait for the touch equipment to be free before using it.

The URL bar is deactivated so you know your users will have to stay on your website.

The keyboard can be moved about freely and several function keyboards are available when the screen is being shared.


dymwser barre bas

Command bar at the bottom

navigateur web tactile

Retractable command bar for full screen effect

dymwser barre haut

Command bar at the top

Dymwser multi user

Screen divided for simultaneous use by multiple users


  • Closed navigation: configure the home page Internet address so that users cannot leave your website or open external links. If an external link is opened Dymwser takes them back to the home page.
  • Multi-use: the website can be viewed by several people at once and the screen can be divided into 2 (or even 4) so each user can browse at their own pace and fill-in separate forms.
  • Touch keyboard: a keyboard appears as soon as a user focuses on a text field. The keyboard can be moved anywhere on the screen with ease and closed when necessary. If the screen is being shared, each area has its own individual keyboard.
  • Zoom-in/zoom-out: with a simple pinch, zoom-in or zoom-out of a page for more reading comfort, or view the image of your choice.


  • Save time and money : Dymwser turns your website into a touch application so you don’t have to develop a separate application or create a PowerPoint presentation. Your website already exists!
  • Save time for users: users can read your information without having to wait for the screen to be free. Several people can use the browser at once.
  • Information at a lower cost: offer your customers and users a simple and free service. With the web browser they can find your information easily.


Here are some examples of Dymwser applications :

Trade show

Visitors learn about your company through your website content while you don’t have to bear the cost of developing an application.

Shopping mall, railway station, airport

Visitors can use it as an information kiosk to find: taxis, train timetables, maps of the local area, telephone numbers.


In stores, visitors can use your website as an extra catalogue for finding product collections, products not in the showroom, services, user reviews, and more.


Jyminy : user-friendly touch sales


JYMINY : enhanced communication through digital technology.

Present your visitors and customers with products to suit their needs using Jyminy, a form of interpersonal communication with a split interface that allows both people to interact on their side.


JYMINY is a user-friendly product search and selection environment that can be used by :

  • One or several customers or visitors.
  • A sales person, counsellor, reception staff, concierge, or other.

The interface brings people together face-to-face to communicate using the touch zone on an interactive table. Here, they can slide over proposals for products, services, places or options to be viewed together and then selected or rejected.

The sales person prepares the space by defining the criteria that meet the customer’s needs. They can point out a product at any time by simply sliding over a product block.

The customer views the products, looks at the visuals, reads the descriptions and features (customer reviews if this option is available) and selects the products they like.

Through this application the touch table becomes a user-friendly sales tool for multi-user communication.


Jyminy conciergerie tactile
application conciergerie
Jyminy Conciergerie - plateau d'Ă©change tactile
Jyminy - vente par l'Ă©change


  • Zone for performing a search by category or by criteria that have been selected in the administration area
  • List of results, search history, shopping basket and favourite products
  • Viewing area (mirror image for sales person and customer) that can include a map with geolocation (properties, destinations, brands), a navigation menu with options, or a 3D image
  • « Push products » are featured products that should be presented first to the customer/visitor and a reminder to sales people to present them
  • Product block includes visuals, a description, features and reviews by other users (optional)
  • Product basket (or travel itinerary) to print or e-mail to the user, including links
  • Web interface for content, visuals and settings (interface operates off-line once it has been updated)


Here are a few examples of JYMINY applications :

Concierge service

In a luxury hotel or ski resort, the concierge service enhanced with Jyminy allows you to search for :

  • Restaurants at the resort
  • Entertainment and excursions
  • Sports activities
  • View the ski trails

Travel agency

In a travel agency the application helps you welcome customers and search for trips by :

  • Price
  • Comfort rating (1– 5 stars)
  • Travel type (single, family, sport, relaxation, etc.)
  • Activity type (golf, diving, cycling, club, etc.)
  • Climate (mountain, beach)

Tourist office

In a tourist office the application helps staff to welcome visitors and show them destinations they can visit during their stay :

  • Search for accommodation, places for dining out, activities, heritage sites
  • Search by type of group (couple, family, single, senior, disabled, etc.)
  • Search by time or dates (shows, museums, events)
  • Search by particular activity (golf, cycling, horse riding)
  • Search by partner

Download DYMENSION Applications


The DYMENSION MANAGER let you download and install DYMENSION touch application, in order to test them with default content, then to uninstall them according to your needs, to launch them from a centralised place, hidden in your notification area

Manage the DYMENSION applications

The DYMENSION Manager allows you to :

  • Download and try the Windows touch application offered by DYMENSION
  • Upgrade your applications as soon as an upgrade is available
  • Upgrade as a background task when you apps are launched already
  • Uninstall apps
  • Manage your licence keys
  • Try applications with default content



manager applications tactiles

notification area

Once the manager installed, launch it from the notification area, then install the application you want to try within the displayed menu.
For almost all apps, the default password to access settings or to quit the app is : « a ».

Smiley Face kiosks OPINYON for client feedback

How can you let your client express their feeling ?
The OPINYON Smiley kiosk is a tool that measures client satisfaction with mere expressive smileys that invite them to give their feedback about your poducts or services.


The OPINYON smiley kiosk unit offers a way to put client satisfaction at the heart of your commercial strategy.  Customer feedback can be measured in a scientific way through this great tool.

The concept is really simple : the kiosks are fully autonomous and can be laid in self-service in strategic places of your site. The users then answer a question, giving their level of satisfaction by pressing a mere button.  The results are sent and processed every half an hour to be available in your admion console or by email you the very same day.

It is up to you to choose how often you want to receive the data and whio receives it (a full department or just a few individuals).  We will help you to analyse the data and find practical solutions.

  • Needs no power supply
  • needs no Wifi (works by GSM or LoRa network)
  • Easy to move
  • Supports badging
  • Robust

Borne Happy or Not enquĂŞte satisfaction smiley

What are the advantages of using this device ?

For you :

  • Completely autonomous units (wireless)
  • Easily change question (with a mere printed paper)
  • Works everywhere (GSM or LoRa network, or Wifi)
  • 24/24H – 7/7D  – no restrictions

For your clients :

  • One simple question
  • The feeling that their opinion matters
  • Anonymous and fast
  • A playful kiosk with 3 smileys

85 €/month for a 12 month subscription


Who uses the OPINYON Smiley Face kiosk ?

Feedback smiley kioskOPINYON




EXPRESSYON : touch tablet based feedback

DYMENSION also offers a tablet based solution for your satisfaction surveys and feedback requests, allowing several questions to be asked : EXPRESSYON.

Unlike the previous solution, this kiosk works with Android touch tablets (from 10″ to 22″) or even on web browser on any kind of hardware. You can customize your own surveys through an online backoffice, and drop your poll on the tablet so tht it can work even offline.

The users answer several questions in some touches, that allow you to profile them for instance. Than, the results are available online in the BackOffice or through email reports (as long as the tablet gets a connection back).

What are the advantages of the kiosk ?

For you:

  • Ask many question, of different kind
  • Simple questionq you can create yourself
  • Works online or offline
  • Real time results

For your clients :

  • Fast and anonymous
  • Ability to leave free comments
  • Skip logic questions to lead a user directly to the usefull question
  • Elegant interface

135 €HT/month for a 12 month rented kiosk



Smiley Face kiosks OPINYON for client feedback

How can you let your client express their feeling ?
The OPINYON Smiley kiosk is a tool that measures client satisfaction with mere expressive smileys that invite them to give their feedback about your poducts or services.


The OPINYON smiley kiosk unit offers a way to put client satisfaction at the heart of your commercial strategy.  Customer feedback can be measured in a scientific way through this great tool.

The concept is really simple : the kiosks are fully autonomous and can be laid in self-service in strategic places of your site. The users then answer a question, giving their level of satisfaction by pressing a mere button.  The results are sent and processed every half an hour to be available in your admion console or by email you the very same day.

It is up to you to choose how often you want to receive the data and whio receives it (a full department or just a few individuals).  We will help you to analyse the data and find practical solutions.

  • Needs no power supply
  • needs no Wifi (works by GSM or LoRa network)
  • Easy to move
  • Supports badging
  • Robust

Borne Happy or Not enquĂŞte satisfaction smiley

What are the advantages of using this device ?

For you :

  • Completely autonomous units (wireless)
  • Easily change question (with a mere printed paper)
  • Works everywhere (GSM or LoRa network, or Wifi)
  • 24/24H – 7/7D  – no restrictions

For your clients :

  • One simple question
  • The feeling that their opinion matters
  • Anonymous and fast
  • A playful kiosk with 3 smileys

85 €/month for a 12 month subscription


Who uses the OPINYON Smiley Face kiosk ?

Feedback smiley kioskOPINYON




EXPRESSYON : touch tablet based feedback

DYMENSION also offers a tablet based solution for your satisfaction surveys and feedback requests, allowing several questions to be asked : EXPRESSYON.

Unlike the previous solution, this kiosk works with Android touch tablets (from 10″ to 22″) or even on web browser on any kind of hardware. You can customize your own surveys through an online backoffice, and drop your poll on the tablet so tht it can work even offline.

The users answer several questions in some touches, that allow you to profile them for instance. Than, the results are available online in the BackOffice or through email reports (as long as the tablet gets a connection back).

What are the advantages of the kiosk ?

For you:

  • Ask many question, of different kind
  • Simple questionq you can create yourself
  • Works online or offline
  • Real time results

For your clients :

  • Fast and anonymous
  • Ability to leave free comments
  • Skip logic questions to lead a user directly to the usefull question
  • Elegant interface

135 €HT/month for a 12 month rented kiosk



Our Agency

Who are we ?

DYMENSION is a company specialising in the computer-based development of interactive interfaces. With a solid experience of the web behind us, we decided to concentrate on the new user possibilities offered by touch interfaces and even more innovative interfaces in the future.

We are interested in all technologies that go beyond the traditional ways of using the web. This includes applications for tablets but also more prestigious devices such as interactive tables, « giant tablets » which can be used by several people at the same time (unlike the simple « touch screen » which came out several years ago.)

Another of our interests is transforming any kind of surface into a touch surface, using, for example, projectors or stereo camera detectors of the Kinect type, or other technologies. Creating interactive interfaces without physical contact, such as augmented reality glasses, is also part of our activities.

Our company is always looking out for new technologies that will enable us to offer our clients solutions which are not only innovative and engaging but also intuitive and user-friendly.

We supply software as well as hardware on request, thanks to our extensive network of varied and competent suppliers. We can supply different models of interactive tables and can also produce made to measure models. We offer a wide range of tablets at reasonable prices to enable our clients to equip all their collaborators.

How do we work ?

All our applications are developed in-house thanks to our teams who are specialised in the design of multi-user interfaces. These require a greater degree of specialisation than the design of interfaces destined for use by a single user.

At the start of each development project we are careful to look at the tools already being used by our clients so that the interface we propose is a continuation of their existing work practices. This makes it easier for collaborators to adopt the new application without encountering any habit-related issues.

When the new application has been installed we film and analyse the way it is being used as well as the reactions of the end-users to make sure that the application is used as planned and also to anticipate modifications that could be made to future versions.

For the hardware components we work directly with partners in France, Europe and Asia to buy equipment which matches our clients’ needs, at the best price.

Our teams always put all their ideas and capabilities at the service of our clients to ensure they have the best possible experience.


Xavier de Brabois Director

After studying at a major business school Xavier went on to specialise in selling web solutions. In 2011 he joined the world of entrepreneurship with the creation of DYMENSION. Like Xavier, the collaborators he chose to assist him in this new venture are competent and enthusiastic about the new technologies he wants to offer the professional world.

Xavier is keen on martial arts, sailing and light aircraft. For many years he has been actively involved in volunteer work in local associations.


CĂ©dric Responsable commercial

DiplĂ´mĂ© d’un Master de Commerce International qu’il a rĂ©alisĂ© en alternance, CĂ©dric a souhaitĂ© parfaire son expĂ©rience Ă  l’étranger. Il a donc quittĂ© la France pour la Chine oĂą il a travaillĂ© durant plus de 2 ans.
De retour en France, il intègre l’équipe de Dymension où il met son expérience au service des nouvelles technologies.

Cédric est passionné de Rugby qu’il pratique en club et s’adonne à sa passion pour la photographie en temps libre.

Emeric Developer

With a professional degree in IT specialising in mobile technology, Emeric’s first professional experience was in the development of Android applications.

Emeric is keen on cooking and football, as well as being a frequent badminton player.


Kévin Ingénieur développeur

Curieux et adepte des nouvelles technologies, KĂ©vin a suivi une formation d’ingĂ©nieur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Technologie de Belfort-MontbĂ©liard (UTBM), il est spĂ©cialisĂ© en imagerie, interactivitĂ© et rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle. Après un passage dans le monde de l’art numĂ©rique, pour lequel il a rĂ©alisĂ© des Ĺ“uvres pendant 6 mois, il s’est tournĂ© vers les interfaces tactiles en intĂ©grant l’Ă©quipe de Dymension.

KĂ©vin aime le cinĂ©ma et l’art en gĂ©nĂ©ral. PassionnĂ© par la communication et les interactions, il s’est aussi formĂ© en autodidacte sur la sociologie contemporaine.


David Designer

David studied visual communication at the Paris school l’Ecole des Gobelins, specialising in design and ergonomics. His first professional experience was in website creation before going on to the design of interactive applications.

A fan of modern art, David is also interested in musical creation.


Nicolas DĂ©veloppeur

DiplomĂ© d’un bac + 5 en informatique, et spĂ©cialisĂ© dans le dĂ©veloppement web, il rejoint l’Ă©quipe de DYMENSION après 7 ans d’expĂ©rience professionnelle en agence web. PassionnĂ© par les technologies de l’information et les Ă©changes de donnĂ©es sur Internet, il prend en charge le dĂ©veloppement des administrations web et des applications Android.

Nicolas aime la musique, le cinéma et les excursions dans les collines drômoises.


Corinne Assistante de direction

Riche d’un parcours pluridisciplinaire en informatique puis en assistanat de gestion, Corinne a Ă©voluĂ© au sein d’un grand groupe industriel durant plus de 15 ans, puis elle a enrichi ses expĂ©riences en apportant son savoir-faire Ă  diffĂ©rentes PME avant de rejoindre DYMENSION.

Passionnée d’équitation, elle possède ses chevaux et partage cette passion avec ses filles notamment au travers de compétitions de horse-ball, discipline passionnante et spectaculaire.

Touch Table

DYMENSION creates bespoke solutions to match your activities and supplies interactive tables such as the Microsoft PixelSense® or other more spacious models that can be integrated into furniture.

Interactive Table

Interactive tables (or touch screen tables) are multi-touch screens that are designed for collaborative use by several people at once (in contrast to touch screens which can only be used by one person at a time). DYMENSION creates bespoke solutions that match your activities and delivers interactive tables like the Microsoft PixelSense® or other more spacious models that can be integrated into furniture.

The interactive table is a technological revolution that is going to transform the customer experience on the sales floor, creating a bridge between digitally accessed information and the guidance traditionally provided by sales people.

The customer becomes an active player, handling the digital content himself while the sales person goes back to his advisory role, guiding the client towards the relevant information and closing the sale.

Interactive Tables and their uses

Interactive tables can be used to :

  • Attract your target clients at events by using the table’s spectacular effects
  • Present your company and your services using an innovative and attractive tool
  • Present complex documents in an interactive way
  • Get  forms filled in by your team and your clients at the same time
  • Organise collaborative work meetings
  • Show your products in digital formats (photos, videos)
  • Let your clients use their own parameters, configure and customise your products
  • Carry out real-time simulations with your clients using their data

Interactive tables and their advantages

With an interactive table you will be able to

  • Access new sales features such as videos, guided forms, 3D object manipulation
  • Create a deeper connection with clients while benefiting from the force of digital tools
  • Present an up -to- date catalogue
  • Give an exhaustive product presentation

Our Touchscreen Tables

Table tactile Tabata, Samanta et Toma